1: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
Mio compares other three members and Mio is prodigious kawaii.
2: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
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3: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
What's? this is a topic of my wife.......
4: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
You are wrong. bald head!
Tumugi is the best kawaii!
5: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
I think.....
Mio >>> Yui>>>> Ritu>>>>> Tumugi
6: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
You who don't understand goodness of Tugumi, are a amateur !
7: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
Mio is best.
However, I watch a anime of K-on! and I noticed goodness of Ritu.
8: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
;::::::::::::::::::l:::::.:.:.:,:.:. l:.:.:l:.:.:.:.!:|. ',:.:.:.\:.:':.:',:.:',
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!:::\!::|:. :. :. :. :. /:. :. :. :. :ヽ\:.:}L!. :.∩|
9: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
In anime, legs of member are short.wwwwww
However, I like all.ww
10: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
Everyone.. everyone....
Does everyone become a Mio!!!!
11: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
Yui>Asu-nyan>=Ui-tan> Mio> Nodoka> Sawa-chan > Mugi
(Yui>>Azusa>= Ui>Mio>Nodoka>Ritu>Sawako>Tumugi)
++ memo ++
nyan, tan and chan are prefixs.
nyan and tan is used when object is kawaii.
chan is a general prefix.
12: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
13: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
Mugi-chan is kawaii!!
14: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
I think that Mio suits cat ears.
And she suits absolutely Kimono.
15: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
commoners who don't understand goodness of Tumugi, are........
16: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
Tumugi is kawaii.
She is eyebrow charactor but she is kawaii....
17: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
18: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
I want to kiss Ritu's forehead.
19: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
Is she fat.....!?
++ memo ++
==right box==
Tumugi take charge of keyborad.
She is by the name of Mugi-chan.
==left box==
She is a person who is genetle and kawaii.
20: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
I want to poke at her cheek.
21: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
22: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
It is a image to know importance ot Mugi.
23: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
I regret that Yui isn't my childhood friend.
24: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
Ritu is the best kawaii and beatutiful.
25: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
It's a image to change tide.
26: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
27: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
Mio smile to me....... kwaii.
28: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
Why are you by shy?
They only show a peace sigh.wwwww
29: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
I want to know who take the picture.
30: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
I take it yesterday.
Is it a good picture?
31: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
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/⌒〈:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::イ::::::::/ `ー‐' *
32: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
33: Name : Japanese who doesn't have name
I like Mio and love Mio.
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